What do we want to achieve?

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Culture Policy Room is a think tank dedicated to advancing the practice of cultural policy-making by bridging the gap between research and policy. With a focus on Europe and with a global perspective, we offer insights and knowledge to policy-makers, advocates, and practitioners.

At Culture Policy Room, we advocate for evidence-based and informed cultural policies. We work to create a space for critical debate and empower cultural policies and practices to contribute to better decision-making and societies.

More concretely, we aim to:

  • Make the society at large understand that culture matters as a full-fledged player in addressing challenges, and imagining solutions and pathways for all of us to thrive.

  • Solidify the status of cultural workers in society and their role in decision-making and public discourse.

  • Professionalise cultural advocacy and foster informed debate on the role and future of the cultural sector.

  • Ensure that cultural policy-makers and professionals grasp the value of research and evidence-based policy and strategically invest in it.

  • Bring a global perspective and good practices to the forefront of decision-making, fostering collaborative and innovative solutions.

How are we going to do it?

At Culture Policy Room we:

  • Feed: We provide insights, quality research, and evidence-based solutions to cultural policy debates and processes.

  • Shape: We drive cultural policy discussions by identifying gaps, mapping trends, and foreseeing future developments.

  • Advance: We work to connect policy, practice, and research by promoting best-case examples and cross-border collaboration.

  • Collaborate: We are open to collaborations with like-minded organisations and professionals. Do you have an idea for a research project? Contact us.